The Home School Life Choice
A Home School Life for Your Children May be Your Best Alternative. Our Elite Backed Government is Brainwashing Our Children to be Robots for Enslavement in the NWO.
A home school life for the future of our children may be the best alternative available.
Schools today are seeing an increase in violence and a decrease in educational value forcing many parents to seriously consider teaching their children at home.
Violence in schools has been on a steady increase since the massacre at Columbine High School where two students went on a rampage shooting fellow students before killing themselves.
Violent behavior is often seen in many high school and even elementary schools across the nation.
Students are taking out their frustrations over being bullied by their classmates with no thought for the consequences.
Violence has become a way of life for American students and they seem to be growing numb to the occurrence of violent acts.
In many schools before children can enter they have to go through metal detectors for their protection and the protection of the faculty.
These detectors are not fail proof and many weapons are still getting into the schools.
Numbers Don’t Lie
At a recent conference where students were surveyed it was found that nearly 7% had brought a weapon to school for protection in the last 30 days.
Over 18% of students admitted to carrying weapons on their person at some point in the last 30 days. And these are just the ones who admitted it.
Your children are at a time in their lives when they are very impressionable.
They are seeing violence as a daily occurrence in the school system they are forced to attend.
The only safe school life for children in America is home school life where you are the one who is instructing them.
With the rampant violence plaguing the school system it is no wonder why the education value in America has declined so much.
Who’s Behind It all
You might ask how this can be in the greatest nation on earth. The answer is we’re no longer in control of our government.
A handful of elite banking families have been working for centuries to bring forth a New World Order.
They already own the Federal Reserve and therefore our money.
Most major corporations are in their hands including the major media outlets and the pharmaceutical companies so they can brainwash us and drug us.
Dumbing down our children and getting them used to living in a virtual police state is high on their list of things to do.
They took over the educational system years ago and we are now seeing the ramifications.
Home schooling our children is more important than ever to save the future of America.