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The Human Radiation Experiments

Human Radiation Experiments Revealed.

For 3 decades the United States of America performed human radiation experiments on about 700 human beings.

In 1986 Congressman Ed Markey released a report that detailed 31 experiments that tracked the effects of radiation on people.

Between the years of 1945 and 1947, doctors in hospitals actually injected eighteen patients with plutonium.

Unlike the plutonium experiment, some of the experiments were voluntary, but did the volunteers really understand what they were undergoing?

These radiation experiments were not the first experiments that the United States government performed on civilians.

From the early 1930’s until the Gulf War in the 1990’s, the United States government has tested chemicals on unsuspecting people in order to test germ warfare, fight disease, or control the population.

Our Ideals

Some doctors and government officials figure that the ends justify the means, but that has nothing to do with America and our ideals.

Since we have a history of human experimentation, there has to be nagging doubts that some experimentation is continuing to this day.

There is almost no way for citizens to know if experiments are happening under the guise of scientific discovery or in the shadows.

How are we supposed to trust a government that conducted human radiation experiments.

Our History

Human radiation experiments definitely taint United States history.

In 1997 President Clinton signed into a law that put in place stricter rules for any secret radiation experimentation.

The government needed to disclose the experiments and what agency was heading them up.

While the intention may have been noble, it seems contradictory. If an experiment is secret, how can details be given out?

There is always the nagging doubt that the government is conducting tests, whether they are about radiation or something else.

What are the goals of these tests? Is the United States interested in biological warfare?

Are they developing things to control the population with?

The United States has the biggest supply of biological and chemical weapons in the world. What is happening with those stocks?

The Aftermath

The United States has tested biological agents on citizens in San Francisco, New York City and other areas.

We are constantly seeing the spreading of new types of diseases through the world.

Are these diseases part of biological warfare or experimentation? President Clinton’s law even contains loopholes to involve exceptions to the law.

Most of the experimentation happened during the Cold War. We are now involved in the Global War on Terror.

Is the “urgency” of this war pushing government scientists to test citizens again?

We may never know the extent of the testing. We may never know if testing is still happening in the United States or other countries in the world.

We have to be aware and not trust government tests and findings. There is reason and a history for skepticism.

The fact that the United States government conducted human radiation experiments on its own citizens is disturbing.

What real safeguards are in place to protect Americans? It is clear that we can’t trust our own government with our health.

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