The Job of the Director of Homeland Security is to Watch You at all Costs
The Director of Homeland Security is Becoming The Leader of The Big Brother Generation.
Everyone remembers September 11th when the foreign terrorists attacked on US soil killing thousands of Americans.
You would expect the government to have been worried about the nation safety however they were merely using your fears to establish the big brother society you know today.
The president passed the Homeland Security Act and appointed the director of Homeland Security which has become today’s leader in the big brother generation in America.
The government took every step in their power and a few that they snuck on an unsuspecting congress and house to systematically remove freedoms from the American people.
False statements were being given by the government officials to the unsuspecting people of the United States who were waiting for another attack.
With the passing of the litigation they began with wire tapping your phones and listening to your conversations.
They were hoping to find information from you that would lead to the culprits who took charge of the planes that day.
Their cause seemed noble in the beginning because that is what they wanted you to believe.
After the wiretapping began the information they were gathering was placed into databases that now have information on every citizen in America.
They are fishing for information that they will one day be able to use against you when they reach their goal of a police state where the government has all say.
You have seen the cameras that are being places throughout America at the cost of billions in taxpayer money.
These cameras were placed in society to protect you from crime on the streets.
At least that is what the director of homeland security has told you.
The government has access to these cameras and are watching every move that you make in public and are recording your actions to be placed in the database.
The government is taking every step they can to create the big brother society where they will have total power over your lives.
Americans will be scared of what they say on the phone, who they talk to on the street, the people that they send letters to and how they spend their money.
Government officials are placing themselves in every part of your life and it is only a matter of time before they take the information that they have gathered and use it against you.
Big Brother will be Watching You
The Big Brother Society
They are constantly passing bills that will enable them to remove more civil liberties and freedom from the American people and the director of homeland security is the person who is in charge of monitoring your daily movements.
He is the one with access to your e-mails and phone conversations. He can tap into your computer network and get any information that he wants from your computer and does not even have to tell you that he has been there or what he has taken.
He has created a society where the government is always watching and biding their time before they will be able to act against you and name you an anti government terrorist of the state. The director of homeland security is a danger to all.
Watch Your Back, the Government is
Now is the time that all Americans need to watch their backs.
The American concentration camps have already been created and soon will be the time when the government enacts their plans to enslave a population and you will be among the casualties.