The National Debt Solution
A National Debt Solution Needs to be in Place so the United States Can Gain a Foothold on the Massive Financial Enslavement to Banking Elites, in Which We Are Suffocating.
A national debt solution is one of the most talked about issues within the confines of the American government.
However, all the half measures and talk are only adding to the problem and delaying a real resolution from ever being instilled to help the people.
The private banking cabal does not want to see the U.S. national deficit decrease because the less debt we owe to these wealthy families, the less control they have over the actions of the U.S. government which they currently own.
The banking cabal can use the debt created from government spending to keep not only the federal government in their back pockets, but all of middle class America as well.
A real solution would start with a cut in government spending. While this seems to be the most obvious answer we have elected the wrong man for this to ever take place.
While America is consumed with our newly elected administration and holding it in the same holy realm as that of a president like JFK, we are only fooling ourselves into thinking that Barack Obama has any intention of fixing this political nightmare.
Sadly, Obama is going to make the Bush administration look like a coupon clipping housewife before all is said and done with his eight year projected spending.
He has only been in office for a little under a year and has already spent trillions of taxpayer’s dollars in an effort to create jobs and jolt our economy.
Unfortunately, boosting our economy is not part of his agenda. Obama is merely a puppet of the banking cabal, as was George Bush before him.
Our new president was hand picked by these bankers exactly because he would do their bidding and woo the American people all at the same time.
A national debt solution lies in the hands of the American people.
Getting the monetary powers out of the hands of the private banking cabal that owns and facilitates the Federal Reserve Bank should be our primary goal.
What is a Solid National Debt Solution?
The first answer to this crisis is for people to become aware of what is really happening behind closed doors in Washington.
The American populace is in the dark about important matters that exist in this country.
This is due in part to there being so much emphasis on trivialities like television and sporting events.
The fact that people do not know about the real issues plaguing this country is why we are so close to losing the sovereignty of the U.S. all together.
More people in this country can tell you the last several winners on American Idol but have a hard time knowing who our vice president is.
Ignorance is Bliss
The fact that people do not know anything gives this banking mafia the opportunity to operate in plain sight as people watch the values of the United States crumble to the ground.
Getting people to understand this is not a conspiracy theory, right wing activism, or anarchy activism is the first step in this process.
Pulling people away from the trivialities that are flooding the American mind is how we can start to take control of our country again.
When Bush was president this country was on the verge of revolution and many people were not even aware of it.
This is not fallacy. This is the real world and all it takes is critical thinking to see what is happening.
The Sleeper Must Awaken
People do not know the politics taking place in this country. One of the main reasons for this is the corruption and manipulation of the U.S. media.
With suggestive and speculative news coverage we do not see the real nature of things unless we are willing to find answers for ourselves.
A national debt solution will never be found if the people of this country are not willing to find this truth.
This is the true nature of the atrocities that are being instituted by the banking mafia and taking place in the political corners of the United States.