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The New Echelon Network

The Echelon Network is a Spy System Monitoring us All.

The Echelon network is comprised of secret spy stations around the world. The NSA is the primary leader of the system. 

Australia, Great Britain, Canada and New Zealand are allies in the operation. 

Conversations worldwide are received and monitored by the Echelon group. Innocent people can be labeled as potential terrorists. 

This top-secret surveillance network can listen in everywhere. And the information also has the potential to fall into the wrong hands. 

Although they claim their mission is to catch enemies of the state, they go way beyond what is required. A police state isn’t just in the making- it’s here! 

The Implications

If your conversations are being listened to and filed in a database, without a warrant and without legal process, that’s a police state. 

Our constitutional rights are violated grossly. We must stand up and demand proper regulation, without the stripping of our right to privacy. 

We have the air around us filled with invisible signals, signals from cell phones, signals from faxes transmitting and Internet usage.

Although we aren’t able to see them, they’re there. All these signals, including email messages, telephone conversations, etc. is being collected by Echelon. Then the messages are analyzed.

Echelon Network 

NSA has unlimited authority to monitor our private lives this way. Of course, it’s all done in the name of ‘national security.’ 

But just as our habeas corpus is trashed by the same method, we are being fooled into giving up our freedoms per the Constitution by threats to our lives and our family. It’s all a ruse. 

The powers that be know that unless they can follow our every move, and unless they can attack any dissenter of their policies and plans, they will eventually be powerless. 

The American public won’t stand to be tricked for long. We will do what is necessary to keep our liberty and maintain justice in our land. 

Spy stations exist in places like Ottawa, the hills in West Virginia and in Washington state. You’ll see them in easy view in pastures in Europe. 

In northern England there is perhaps the largest spy station in the world, the Menwith Hill Station in Yorkshire.

At the NSA headquarters in Maryland, you’ll find the supercomputers. 

These supercomputers scan all the transmissions forwarded here and hunt through them for key phrases or specific voices that are found by voice recognition equipment. 

Imagine if you are talking about a spy movie on the phone with a friend and thereafter are tagged as a possible terrorist, and further tracked and monitored! 

The Echelon network plan is promoted as a good thing, one that will keep America safe. However, they even admit they couldn’t predict 9/11. 

But perhaps the ruling elite wanted that to happen, in order to open the door for war in the Middle East and for making domestic spying legal.

For Protection? 

The only real protection against intrusions like the Echelon network is to get back to the basics of our Constitution.

We must ensure that our leaders only obey its tenets and refuse to commit atrocities that violate our liberties. 

We have a right to privacy. They need a warrant to intrude on our private life. Speak out against this atrocity against freedom before it is too late.

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