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Three Direct Energy Weapons Videos

Watch the Following Direct Energy Weapons Videos and Learn How Science is Being Used to Attack Our Freedom by the Elite New World Order Rulers Who Enslave Us Today.

We’ve put together a small collection of direct energy weapons videos.

Directed energy weapons are a new form of weapons technology that poses a great threat all of us in these times of an elite-controlled United States police state intent on building a Global Community, otherwise known as a New World Order.

This type of weaponry uses electromagnetic waves or subatomic particles with waves that are shorter than microwaves, but longer than x-rays.

The U.S. Government claims that the radiation inflicted on a person “zapped” with these supposedly ‘non-lethal’ weapons won’t leave any permanent damage.


“…direct energy weapons include a host of technologies, including lasers and microwave radiation emitters.

“These weapons can inflict casualties and damage equipment by depositing energy on their intended target.”

Actually, government tests have concluded that supposedly more than 80% of this radiation is absorbed by the top layer of skin, causing enough PAIN that you’ll want to immediately get out the beam’s path.

Enjoy the direct energy weapons videos below.


An article at Global talks of this brutal technology being used by Israeli forces against Lebanon and Gaza:

“Bodies with dead tissues and no apparent wounds; “shrunken” corpses; civilians with heavy damage to lower limbs that require amputation, which is nevertheless followed by unstoppable necrosis and death; descriptions of extensive internal wounds with no trace of shrapnel, corpses blackened but not burnt, and others heavily wounded that did not bleed.

“Many of these descriptions suggest the possibility that the new weapons used include direct energy weapons, and chemical and/or biological agents, in a sort of macabre experiment of future warfare, where there is no respect for anything:

“International rules (from the Geneva Convention to the treaties on biological and chemical weapons), refugees, hospitals and the Red Cross, not to mention the people, their future, their children, the environment.”

Understand Elite

Earlier, we mentioned the elite. Americans need to clearly understand how international bankers and industrialists have a plan for New World Order whether the average person believes it or not.

The CFR/Trilateral connection to the destruction of American sovereignty must be placed at the forefront of all people’s minds.

However, the good news is that once you understand that the elite funds New World Order activities through illegal taxation and fraudulent debt creation, you can then begin to see how they can be defeated.

By blindly buying into federal taxes and a mountain of debt, Americans are unwittingly funding the elite and their totalitarian plans.

It doesn’t have to be this way. If the people are educated on the fraud, the fraud falls apart.

We’re exposing the fraud of Federal Reserve banking history and its resultant money creation scheme that allows the banking elite to steal from the American public the funds needed to bring their Global Community into reality.

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