To Gain Independence, Our Fore Fathers Had to Fight a War
In Order to Gain Independence From our Current Struggle, we First Need to Recognize it Exists.
Over two hundred years ago, the colonists realized that they no longer needed the protection and guidance of the English crown.
Realizing it was one thing, but doing it was necessary to gain independence was another thing all together.
Many of the colonists had never lived in English soil and experienced life directly under the rule of the crown; they had just experienced what they needed in order to survive which was primarily the existence of the army due to the relative proximity of a British enemy in the French (and their allies, several of the local Indian tribes).
Once the French and Indian threat was pretty much neutralized the apparent need for British authority was no longer.
Had the British not pressed so hard to refill the royal treasury through taxing the colonists then we may all still be British citizens.
As the British pressed the colonist harder to pay for the costly French and Indian War, the desire and need to gain. independence became ever present.
Flash forward two hundred years and the new monarchy may very well be the current political heavy weights in power.
Recent years have seen the government take more and more of the civil liberties we all enjoy and slowly take them away.
Most people are so wrapped up in their own realm of self importance that they do not even care about what is going on all around them.
We all know that politicians are not the best people all the time; some mean well I their quest to serve the public good, but there are just as many that see public service as a way of garnering more power, privilege, and money.
A method is in place to deal with unscrupulous, dishonest politicians- it is called the electoral process.
Sadly, the majority of Americans cannot be bothered to take the time to cast their vote.
If we cannot be bothered to vote then how will we gain independence from the threat that current politicians are starting to become?
The Second American Revolution
The Patriot Act
The terrorist attacks of September 11, 2001, scared may Americans and rightfully so.
Instead of working to protect us, politicians have just taken the opportunity to tighten the reins on most Americans.
The Patriot Act and the legislation that followed it are presented in the guise of protecting Americans when they just make it easier for Big Brother (the government) to exercise more control over the average citizen.
It is amazing what the government gets away with just by placing a user friendly name like “Patriot” to it- who can argue against something called Patriot?
What We Need to Do to Gain Independence Again
If allowed to continue on their current track there is no telling where politicians may take our country and what they are going to do with our civil rights.
If we are not careful we may be faced with the need to fight to gain independence once again.
Or we can take the route that our fore fathers out in place- we can vote and get involved.