Understanding the Biography of Farrah Fawcett
The Elite in Power Use Biography of Farrah Fawcett to Distract the Populace from the New World Order.
Searches for the biography of Farrah Fawcett increased significantly after the death of the iconic actress.
People spend large amounts of time reading and watching celebrity gossip online and not enough time learning the truth behind this media distraction.
What they are distracting the people from is the gradual increase in power of the global elite in all sectors of government.
The politicians on both sides of the aisle are selling out the American people in favor of the elite group of international bankers and titans of industry who are running the plan for a New World Order.
They work through organizations such as the Federal Reserve and Council on Foreign Relations to take control of economic, political and military policy.
The politicians who actually win the top elections work as agents for the global elite in return for campaign support and financing.
While people are watching the biography of Farrah Fawcett, the elite are taking over the country and taking away freedom.
Evidence of the New World Order
The best evidence of the New World Order came out of the mouths of politicians, including George HW Bush, who first mentioned it in a speech during his presidency.
The phrase has been repeated by Bill Clinton and Barack Obama, as well as European heads of state.
Whistleblowers, including film maker Aaron Russo have come forward with information about the plan of the global elite for dominance.
This evidence is mostly found through independent media outlets and the internet because the mainstream media is covering up for the global elite, who own their television stations and print publications.
The North American Union
Part of the plan for one world government involves merging the countries of North America into a North American Union and eventually joining that with all of Central and South America.
Agreements such as the Security and Prosperity Partnership of North America and the Association of American Free Trade Agreements erode government control and oversight of what and who is entering the country.
Eventually, the borders between the countries will be erased and a large superhighway built throughout America to connect Mexico to Canada.
Property will be taken through eminent domain to make way for the highway. Maps taken from government websites and other documents can be found online.
While the plan progresses, the mainstream media continue to ignore it and distract the public with stories and shows depicting the biography of Farrah Fawcett.
A Common Currency
When the countries are merged, the currency of each nation will be abolished and replaced with the Amero. The same currency will be used in all countries, similar to how the Euro is used in Europe.
Loss of Sovereignty
In the process of giving up our borders and dollar, the United States will be giving up its sovereignty, and the citizens of the US have already begun to give up their freedom.
Former NSA agents David Murfee Faulk and Adrienne Kinne have come forward to prove the NSA is illegally spying on American citizens, but this is also ignored by most of the media.
People need to spend less time reading the biography of Farrah Fawcett and more time learning the truth before they have lost all civil liberties.