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Use Psychology to Brainwash People

The Media Use Psychology to Brainwash People.

The criminal banking mafia is a group of corrupt entities that are looking to do damage to the masses and achieve world domination.

They use psychology to brainwash people so they can reach their goals.

For the banking mafia to see their goals through they have put several corrupt entities in place globally.

They also have control of the mainstream media in the forms of the television, newspapers, and radio via the CFR.

Journalists have been under their control for some time since they own and run the major communication and journalism schools.

They use their schools to teach journalist to brainwash journalist the masses through the use of the media.

They exploit the fact that the public has a trust in journalist in the mainstream media and that they are in place to do work for the best interest of the public.

This is because journalists have been tough to use many mind control techniques such as distraction and Newspeak.

Newspeak is a form of mind control that manipulates words in the media to cover up the devious works of the criminal banking mafia.

The public needs to be aware of the psychological techniques used by the banking mafia in the media to influence their decisions and distract them from the truth in world affairs.

The banking mafia is always using psychology to brainwash people through the mainstream media.

When the masses are brainwashed then the plans and plots of the banking mafia they easy to put into motion.

Media Distraction

The media use psychology to brainwash people to not pay attention to the devious work they are doing.

They play on the fact that people need an outlet to mentally unwind and disconnect from stress.

They have flooded programming that provides this and made it easy for people to abuse it.

People have become overly interested in celebrities as a way to mentally break from their real life stress.

The banking mafia has put so many celebrity gossip shows on the air to keep the public perpetually distracted from news about global affairs.

Celebrity Influence

The media use psychology to brainwash people through the use of celebrities in the media.

Reporters are brainwashed watchdogs for the criminal banking mafia.

This is because the media views celebrities as being all knowing and will follow what they are told to do by them.

One of the uses of celebrities in the media to brainwash people deals with selling them on the banking mafia’s lies and getting the public to act on them.

One of these is the lie invented by the banking mafia that global warming is a human induced problem.

Use of Newspeak

The media use psychology to brainwash people into thinking that the evil acts of the banking mafia are in the best interest of the masses.

One of the mind controllers they use is Newspeak. This is a word game that is used in the media on a daily basis to manipulate the public.

Newspeak is when a positive word such as “liberation” that really means freedom from terrorism.

Now the word “liberation” means the murder and terrorism of innocent people in the name of fighting terrorism.

All of this is to cover the banking mafia taking down of the masses.

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