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Verichip Implants are Growing in Their Coverage

Will you Volunteer for the Verichip Implants?

Verichip implants are gaining mass acceptance across industry and are beginning to spread into the human population.

As always, the start of the mass uptake of new, dangerous technologies begins at the edges of society.

There are many people today who are very concerned about the spread of RFID chips into working populations.

RFID chips are potentially two-way receivers which enable the tracking and monitoring of a population.

Their uses are sold as very benign but in reality, this type of technology would have been an absolute dream for any dictator in the history of the world.

They enable the Big Brother state to know where any individual is at any time.

Privacy campaigners are rightly very concerned about what this means for freedom in today’s technologically advanced society.

The use of RFID tracking technology enables huge databases of customer details to be built up, in many cases, without the knowledge or express permission of the consumer.

For many corporations, this technology represents a leap forward in marketing relating to the identification of individual customers.

This is currently being tried out as a link to loyalty cards which many privacy campaigners fear will be used in the future to create a two tier pricing structure.

Many large retailers prefer not to have customers who only shop for the special offers.

By using RFID chips and customer databases, the retailer is able to identify the customer as they walked through the doors of the store.

Potentially undesirable customers could be identified and removed from the store are using a combination of RFID chips and a database tied to a loyalty card.

Are We there Yet?

How Long?

VeriChip implants are already used today in all new U.S. passports.

This gives the authorities the ability to track anywhere on the planet the holders of all U.S. passports issued since 2005.

According to Nicholas Rockefeller, the end goal of all RFID tracking which we see today is to completely remove the ability of the population to protest against what is happening.

Rockefeller says that anyone who disagrees with the way things are progressing, that the Verichip implants will be turned off.

This would mean that one wouldn’t be able to buy food or to pay any bills since all money would be on the implanted microchips.

These implants would control every aspect of trade and consumer behaviour on the planet Earth.

This is a complete perversion of a potentially very useful technology. Many liberty campaigners are feeling that it is also just the start.

Is this Real?

The Verichip implants will have the ability not only to send signals but to receive them.

Given the fact that as humans we are susceptible to certain electromagnetic frequencies, it isn’t impossible to see that the chips could be used to regulate our moods and our experiences of reality.

This brings into question the very real issue of our life on this planet.

Once we start to experience reality in a way that isn’t real, but rather which is induced, then we must ask ourselves… are we still human?

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