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What are Drones Used for?

Drones are Changing how the Elite can Spy and Attack People, but why are They so Popular?

Most people are very safe and secure with the idea of living in America because we are told that the country is doing everything it possibly can to protect us. 

We elect leaders and it’s a democracy, the constitution gives us many rights and responsibilities. 

The sad fact of the matter is that many of these rights are being taken away from us, supposedly for our own protection. 

The people that we think are in control normally aren’t, there is a secret shadow government which is controlled by the elite. 

The new world order is the aim of the elite, this will be when the shadow government comes out of hiding to control the whole world. 

The elite have been playing the long game to create their new world order, but things are stepping up pace now. 

Nobody even denies the new world order now, and plenty of tools are already in place to assist this single government. 

A Drone is an unmanned vehicle which can be used for surveillance and warfare anywhere in the world without men having to be on board. 

There are a number of advantages for the elite to use drones, firstly they do not have to brainwash people. 

War is an expensive business and encouraging people to go to war can be difficult, they have to use all their money to manipulate the media so that we actually want to fight. 

With drones however they could do this much easier, plus there would be fewer people that knew about their operations.

Policing the World

America has seen itself as the policeman of the world for a very long time, however the people that are really in control are the elite.

These are the ones with world domination clearly in their sights. 

They will be able to use drone technology to easily spy on the worlds population from a single location, they can also use the same technology to terminate anyone who is causing a problem with the minimum of effort or fuss. 

Drone Wars

Drones have already completely revolutionized warfare, with human pilots there will always be someone that knows what is going on.

However with these drone crafts the numbers of people that know what’s going on is greatly reduced. 

If you study footage of the September 11th attacks then you will see a third plane, this has officially said to be a bird.

However many people are saying that it was an unmanned aircraft, in which case perhaps the US is already using them to spy on what’s going on in its own country. 

The September 11th attacks and the start on the war on terror is yet another step on the path towards the new world order, next on the list will be Iran. 

This means that the elite are able to use them to do pretty much whatever they want with very little consequences. Unmanned Air Vehicles will be extremely useful tools for the elite to push the new world order upon us.

They should be able to use these vehicles to easily police the whole world and enforce their objectives.

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