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What are Some Problems with the European Union?

Problems With The European Union Are Plentiful.

No matter where in the world you go, when you create a union type of environment you are going to run into problems.

When you open borders, it does not only let the positive aspects of society free travel, but also it allows for the negatives in society to travel freely.

With the free travel and trade, there is going to be increased interstate crime, and various sorts of illegal trafficking.

Many of the problems with the European Union are political, such as the fact that there is no expectation that the government is working in the interests of the people.

The commission, which is the executive body of the European Union is not an elected panel, but the parliament is elected.

The article on speculates that there is increased secrecy in the governing of the European union.

The idea is that because there are many skeptics when it comes to the European Union working and continuing to grow, the officials in the union do not want to let out any information regarding any incident that may be considered in any way scandalous.

It makes a person wonder if the European Union is a good idea and whether or not other areas of the world will follow suit.



One of the problems with the European Union is economic. The European Union has a united economy, but does not even have a united currency.

How can you have a stable single economy without a unified currency, it does not seem feasible.

This would be like the United States economy if California was using the peso, Washington the dollar and Hawaii the yen.

It is difficult to say the least to integrate a European economy. The union covers different countries, cultures and ethnicities, making the task even harder.

The loss of sovereignty was supposed to be accompanied by the gift of prosperity.

If the European Union is facing the same economic challenges today as is the American economy, will that lead to the dissolution of the European Union, or will they become larger in an attempt to gain stability?


One of the huge problems with the European Union is that it causes fear in people.

The formation of the European Union causes people to fear globalization of economy and government.

People fear that they will lose the benefit of whatever government they are living under.

The problems with the European Union and the fears it cases are significant.

The fear which people feel, whether or not it has any substantial basis, causes stress.

The stress and fear will in turn affect the behaviors of the people, and most times this will be detrimental to society.

It is scary to think of how close this brings us to the society described in George Orwell’s 1984.

Other areas of the world are likely to follow the lead of Europe. The question is which area will follow first and how soon it will happen.

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