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What Does the Eli Lilly Drug Company Do?

The Eli Lilly Drug Company Causes Illness And Death For Money And The Control Of The Wealthy Elite. 

The Eli Lilly Drug Company is without a doubt one of the most transparent cases of the pharmaceutical industries desire to cause illness, depravity, death and mediocrity in Americans.

If a corporate giant could be given the death penalty, Lilly would have been sentenced to it years ago. 

Most famous for their marketing of the destructive Prozac drug that ruins hundreds of millions of lives in America; Lilly has seen it, done it and continues with it to this day. 

There are so many debacles surrounding Eli Lilly that you might come up with a false scenario and it would be near to something they have actually done. 

This company is the poster model for the elitists who are trying to subvert us, drug us and control us. 

A multinational corporation such as Eli Lilly scoffs at the fines it is given when a law has been violated here, or people have died from something over there. 

It is so outrageous to consider that a company like this still exists, and not only exists – dominates the drug market here in America when there have been so many cases of corruption brought against it. 

Drug companies like Eli Lilly are protected and encouraged to make people sick, safe in the knowledge that they can hide behind their corporate status.

The Latest Eli Lilly Drug Company Debacle

Zyprexa is the new drug to hit our streets marketed by none other than the soulless drug Czars at Eli Lilly.

This latest scandal involves the marketing department peddling this highly toxic drug for things not approved by the FDA. 

Whereas it should, in the FDA’s opinion, be used for severe depression or psychotic illness, it may not be used for dementia or kids that can’t sit still.

Eli Lilly disagreed and therefore marketed it to children and the elderly anyway. 

The side effects where heavy – it caused diabetes and rapid weight gain – and people died.

Eli Lilly deliberately misled people into buying this drug to deal with illnesses where it would be dangerous and potentially lethal.

They downplayed the enormous life threatening side effects and immediately cashed in. 

With a 4 billion dollar profit they are still laughing at the lawsuits. Why hasn’t this drug company been closed?

Zyprexa: Buying Its Way into Your Life

Eli Lilly Drug Company Motives

It’s too effective at population control. This company was the very same that said all children should be put on Prozac, that it should be a mandatory thing.

The elitists of the New World Order are simply delighted.

America has been flooded with mind altering, harmful drugs thanks to companies like Eli Lilly. 

They are the reason that the elitists get away with removing our rights, implementing unjust laws and setting up America for its totalitarian future.

The American people float through their lives ignoring the issues, allowing them to go by unquestioned. 

We are being poisoned by businesses like the Eli Lilly Drug Company. As the toxic chemicals dumb us down and distract us, we will be enslaved by a world power. 

The wealthy elites believe we are nothing more than cattle to be controlled, culled and manipulated.

Be conscious that each time you see an advert for Prozac the people who make it would like nothing more than to see your life destroyed.

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