What is Money Really About?
What is Money but a Vehicle for the Banking Elite to Gain More Power Over us and Usher in Their One World Government. How the Production of Money is Used to Control Us.
The concept o what is money can be looked at many ways. Money is a finite quantity widely held, even today, when there is so much of it.
People on fixed incomes look to their weekly or monthly paychecks and set their monetary horizons accordingly.
Windfalls such as overtime, bonuses or even lottery prizes are presumed to have been gained from someone else, and basically belong to the same pile of money.
Banknotes get withdrawn and changed for new ones when they get tattered and dirty, and coins go on forever.
Thus, the myth is perpetuated, and fostered by the Powers-That-Be. Money is scarce. We have to use it carefully. There’s never enough to go round.
There’s certainly never enough to do all the things that need to be done, so if it’s used extravagantly, as some may claim, for example, with the Millennium Dome in Great Britain, then it’s wasted and gone for ever, and we’re all so much the poorer.
Right? No, wrong, wrong, wrong! Let’s think of what is money as a means of marshaling human and material resources, and, with that, we’re into a whole new ball game immediately.
And if you don’t like the Millennium Dome, then all that time and energy expended on it should be thought of as wasted effort rather than wasted money.
Sure, money doesn’t grow on trees, but it does appear on demand, just ask a central banker and if there’s marketable fruit on the trees, he will assuredly feel able to create money against that potential, probably in the form of an interest-bearing loan to the owner of the orchard.
Have it another way from a character in the video Survival Island, and in the book available from Ossian Publishers in which he declares that “money is only a token of wealth never the wealth itself“.
The value is in the loaf of bread, not in the coin it took to buy it.
The Potential for Abuse
One of the principal dangers to our society from widespread misconceptions about what is money is the way in which money creation can be exploitatively abused, and yet escape public criticism.
Market analysts tell us that 50 years ago almost all money circulating throughout the financial system was concerned with the visible trade in goods and services with a small proportion, say 5% bent on speculative investment.
Today that position has been totally reversed, with 97% of the vastly increased capital flows swilling round the world in search of speculative outcomes, and only 3% devoted to the trade that feeds and clothes us and provides the necessities of modern living.
It is a grave human evil that so much of the world’s financial capacity and expertise is absorbed in an incestuous exercise of money trading in money to the enrichment of a favored few while millions lack the means for a better life.
It’s a state of affairs which is only sustainable for as long as the what is money myth is allowed to reign unchallenged.
The Money Myth
We inherit two basic sources of wealth as denizens of this planet: We have our brains, our energies and our acquired skills, and we have the resources at our disposal.
Some of the latter are indeed finite and should be recycled wherever feasible, but human life itself, with all its precious diversity, is infinitely renewable, and barring plague, nuclear war or cosmic catastrophe, need never be in short supply.
Let us remember this when next they tell us that money is scarce to fund the essential things in social and community life.
You need a bridge or a hospital or a school. Is there a shortage of steel, of bricks and mortar, or the means of their manufacture?
Are the construction trades already engaged, up to and beyond their capacity?
And have all the doctors and nursing staff migrated to richer pastures?
These are the practical questions to be answered before the myth-makers of “scarce and finite” money are seen to prevail.
It is the availability of resources and the public need that matters, not the number of digits on a check.
A Nation’s Duty
A nation which understands these things can expand and prosper to the limit of its physical potential, provided it also has the will and the means to issue its own money, debt free, for all community endeavor.
However, under the present system, money becomes a medium of power and social control.
So let’s get this concept of what is money itself truly in perspective, so that the bankers don’t have us forever on a leash, ready to rein us in just as we’re preparing to develop our full potential.
As a wag of a roads engineer once said in that connection,
“Imagine not being able to complete a motorway because you’ve run out of miles.”