What is World Suppression to the United States?
World Suppression is Leading to a New World Order of Oppression and Doom.
World suppression is heading in one direction and one direction only.
The ultimate goal is to have a one-world government, all peoples at the beck and call of the wealthy and powerful.
The real rulers will be the criminal international bankers, at last in control of the world’s monetary system and thus its governments.
Through their minions, the UN members and their cohorts, these banking mafia already control our foreign policy.
With their moles within the White House, they are in our President’s ear and influence US policies and legislation.
Owning the media as they do, they publish and broadcast only the news they want us to hear.
The secrecy of their think tanks and meetings held behind closed doors will never see the light of day.
The lies espoused are vicious while appearing genuinely concerned for human welfare and prosperity.
The international bankers were the instigators of the UN and its charter.
All was created in the movement towards a New World Order.
The criminal bankers’ New World Order will be one where the entire planet is merged into one unit, controlled by a one-world bank.
Because each government will owe incredible debts to the bankers, the banking cabal will own the governments. They will get their wishes, but by you becoming a DTSS sovereign, we still stand a chance to free ourselves.