What is Wrong with Socialism?
What is Wrong with Socialism: Socialism Will Lead to Other Forms of Tyranny if it is Allowed to Prevail in America.
Socialism is the belief that government or the state should control the means of production, so what is wrong with socialism?
Capitalism, on the other hand, is completely opposed to socialism in that it promotes individual achievement, personal prosperity and private property.
Our success as a nation can only be attributed to Capitalism, the system of the free market, the system that promotes prosperity and freedom.
Socialism, the form of government that views the individual as nothing more than a cog in the state machine, has proven time and time again that it doesn’t promote the growth of a nation and that it generally is the beginning of a totalitarian government.
The bankruptcy of socialist ideology is evident; we need only look at Russia to be reminded of the inherent dangers of socialism.
The former Soviet republics’ economies are in a mess, and the standard of health care, education and housing is at an incredibly low standard.
The collectivist ideology of socialism is an alluring one, and it can deviously infiltrate a nation through a propaganda-ridden media or a skewed education system.
Our deviously socialist president, Barack Obama, is introducing socialist policies that will ensure the downfall of our once prosperous nation.
Obama’s Past Reveals that He Doesn’t See Much Wrong with Socialism
The deficit that has accumulated as a result of years of government spending is now being further burdened by Obama’s stimulus and bailout packages.
Obama’s stated objective is to spread the wealth around for purposes of fairness.
This is blatant socialist ideology, and the fact that we do not realize that it is socialism is the most troubling of all.
It points to the failure of our education system, its failure to educate us about the historic ills of socialism.
This is the reason why so many people, especially the youth, believe Obama when he tells us that spreading the wealth around will be good for everyone.
The biased media have chosen to ignore Obama’s socialist past.
Our president’s childhood mentor was the late communist Frank Marshall Davis.
Obama has also publicly campaigned for the self-proclaimed socialist senator Bernie Sanders.
Not surprisingly, his voting record also reveals socialist tendencies.
America Has Started on the Road to Tyranny
It is no mistake that Obama is a socialist. Obama may have won over the public with his charm and charisma, but he has also been groomed for the presidency by the elitist shadow government.
The shadow government is made up of the Trilateral Commission, the Council on Foreign Relations and the Bilderberg Group.
Together with the wealthiest and most influential men and women in the world, the shadow government in America is moving towards a one world totalitarian government.
Obama is their puppet, in the same way that Bush was before him.
He will ensure that more of our freedoms are taken away, and that our nation’s economy is destroyed so that a global monetary system might be ushered in.
What is wrong with socialism? It is an inherently flawed ideology that assures greater government control and less individual freedom.
We cannot afford to see the talons of socialism claw into the very fiber of freedom that America was founded on.