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When was the Discovery of Global Warming?

The Discovery of Global Warming Was Hyped by the Media. If Something Had to be Done, the Government Would Make SUV’s Illegal Instead of Just Taxing People.

The process of discovery of global warming began early. In 1896, a scientist from Sweden published his new concept.

He said that burning fossil fuels could add carbon dioxide to the atmosphere.

But scientists didn’t feel that major change could occur except over tens of thousands of years. Then came what appeared to be a warming trend in the 1930s.

It was assumed to be a natural climatic change with unknown causes. But only one insisted greenhouse warming was coming. This was voiced by an amateur, G.S. Callendar.

Later, even though most stated that the warming trend had improved living conditions, scientists wanted to study the factors involved.

This meant research grants and funding from governments. And for the next ten years, models of climate were devised that were unbelievably variable.

After all, it sparked national interest and gained monetary support. As the subject of environmentalism became popular in the 1970s, things became confusing.

Some were stating that dust and smog could block the sun and begin a new ice age.

Others predicted a warming trend with ice melting and flooding ending the world as we know it. Everyone became anxious and concerned.

Discovery of Global Warming just Used to Advantage

Special causes can be used for many things. They can be used to help people, or can be used for monetary benefits, fame, or certain agendas.

In the case of global warming, with dubious research and computer models, negating actual observations and facts, anything can be put forward with a bias and twist.

Using fancy computer models, the results can be manipulated to show alarming spikes.

But when you simply observe the past and the results, a whole different picture is presented.

There may well be some climatic change going oas geological conditions change on any body floating in our great universe.

However, the effects of greenhouse gases aren’t shown to be a factor, or at least one of major import.

The scare tactics used by the scientists at work for the UN are just that scare tactics.

The public is afraid of those things they have no control over. It makes them deep pockets when they think they CAN do something.

The only option the public has is to fork up money for research, in the hopes that the “experts” will come up with a solution.

Unfortunately, if it was indeed greenhouse gases that were to blame for any climate change, we’d have to reduce our consumption by 70 to 80%.

That is a bit unrealistic, and it’s unnecessary. The discovery of global warming opened a dangerous door.

It gave the advantage to those who wanted just another tool in their arsenal to worry the population, scare them into accepting some coming tragedy, thus gaining their support.

It gave them the ability to lead us like sheep in any direction they wanted us to go.

Refuse to Submit to Their Alarmist Views

Put the discovery of global warming behind you. Don’t watch the shows on the subject that are meant to frighten and drive you into apathy.

The media will hype up anything in order to manipulate your feelings and thoughts.

Don’t contribute to UN programs that only put the ruling elite into power. Live your life!

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