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Where is Affordable Organic Food?

Where is Affordable Organic Food?

Why is Affordable Organic Food Hard to Find? Elites Put a Fast Food Chain on Every Corner While Using Federal Law to Restrict Healthy Alternatives & Sicken People.

Affordable organic food is more than a challenge to purchase and virtually impossible to purchase as a regular diet for families in America.

The cost of living is so high it demands for at least two incomes so that both parents are usually in the workforce five days or more per week.

These long hours away from home tempt people to purchase cheap and toxic fast food as they take a quick lunch break, grab something to feed the family on the rush back home, and pick up the cheaper products while shopping at the local grocery store.

The processed, canned and convenient foods at the grocer will fill the cupboards for the week and everyone in the family will munch down on toxins, high fat, high sodium foods as they sit in front of the TV or play with their high tech toys.

The days of home cooked meals with plenty of fresh fruits and vegetable often picked right from your small vegetable and herb family garden are long gone.

Watching children play outdoors while listening to their laughter are also gone and replaced with silence as the children sit in front of the television or sit and play with their high tech toys and computers.

The interaction between children and adults is minimal and everyone is sitting around losing their health and vitality.

This is a crisis and yet even when we desire to shift this most of us still have to go to that second job and still do not make enough money to purchase what should be affordable organic food but it still remains as the higher priced food at the stores.

Healthy & Organic Foods Available Just for the Wealthy

The citizens that know organic food is the healthier way to eat attempt to purchase organic foods only and soon realize their grocery bill has risen past their tight budget’s allowance.

They then go back to purchasing the cheaper toxic processed food. A few organic items might find their way into the shopping cart but only a few.

This satisfies the corporate owners of the pharmaceutical and high tech industries very well.

People are feeling tired and depressed and convinced they need the poisonous drugs to keep them healthy enough to go back to their jobs.

The jobs enslave them as higher taxes paid out to the government and the high cost of living keep them chained.

They are too tired or addicted to go out and play or go for a walk in nature so they turn their electronics on and sit around.

Everything is Upside Down

Affordable organic food should be the convenient food and the processed toxic food should be the expensive choice.

Free public fitness programs should be everywhere and full of variety from working out in a gym to learning yoga or tai chi.

Instead of building up roads or building new ones the government should be opening gyms, creating good jobs for instructors to teach physical activities, building recreational facilities, parks and protecting our food supply.

The organic food should be affordable and convenient and the junk food industry should shut down.

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