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Where’s the Surveillance Drone that’s Watching You?

The Surveillance Drone is a Popular Government Tool Used to Spy on Us All the While Claiming it is to Protect Us From Terrorists. 

The surveillance drone is one of the governments most used tools to spy on the American people.

And when we protest that our civil liberties have been violated, we are told it is all in the name of terrorism and making sure that those dangerous, ruthless terrorists do not have the opportunity to hurt us again.

Of course, nothing could be further from the truth, since this is all part of the big picture which moves us closer to a police state.

The Patriot Act was a brilliant construction by government, giving them the right to do just about anything to us, including detain us without even having a real reason.

The government claimed that the Patriot Act was necessary so that the government could act in the name of protection, when actually it was only implemented so that the government could give themselves rights that the Constitution protected us from.

Out of all of this jostling and reasoning what we face are unmanned drones located around our cities, in our rural areas, on the freeways, at the borders, in the desert, in the mountains, and just about anywhere else that is American territory.

Your actions, your conversations, every movement is being recorded and analyzed by a surveillance drone.

At any moment you could be detained because Homeland Security did not like something you said or did.

If you think this can’t happen to you because you aren’t doing anything wrong, those thousands being detained thought exactly the same thing, but they are being held without being criminally charged, and without the families knowing their whereabouts.

Military Unmanned Surveillance Drone Coming to a Corner Near You

Police Use Surveillance Drone to Watch Over You

Right now there are over 4 million drones on the streets of the UK, and while the U.S. Government won’t release how many of these drones are floating around America, it’s guessed to be in the millions as well.

The government does admit that there is a surveillance drone at the Canada border and also one at the Mexico border.

Smile you’re on candid camera has a whole new meaning these days.

The government is watching your every move, listening to conversations you have with friends and family, and even complete strangers. 

What if you stop to talk to a stranger on the corner and the government doesn’t like something the other person says, or even something you said.

In the past it would be but a moment in time that comes and goes.

Today, it is caught on a surveillance tape somewhere for someone to analyze at some point, and suddenly you are picked up by Homeland Security.

The point here is that the government has no right to use covert surveillance on you ever.

It’s completely against our civil liberties. That’s serious enough but it becomes even more alarming.

Government Police State is Coming

Our government and the governments of other developed nations have been working together to turn their countries into police states.

Yes America is on its way to becoming a police state and the unmanned drones are going to be used for surveillance.

We actually are already living in a police state, but because we’ve never lived in such a manner we aren’t quick to recognize what is going on. Domestic spying on U.S. citizens is now legal. 

They control media coverage and can shut down any media outlet that does not obey their orders, and the police now respond to the government rather than the people.

You see we are well on our way to becoming a police state.

The Government Lies and Spies on the Citizens

The government has been lying to us for decades and since 911 they’ve been spying on us too.

The signs of a militarist police state are unmistaken.

The Bush government began waging war against dissent and Obama has picked up where Bush left up speeding up the movement towards a total police state.

Don’t believe it. How about the civilian armies that are being formed?

What about the idea that every citizen must do some time in the military?

All of these duties are in the name of patriotism.

If you want to get the American people to jump to action wave their patriotism in their face. 

We are a patriot nation that would do anything for our country and the government is going to use that to turn our great nation into a police state and turn us against each other.

We are only in the beginning of the implementation of this police state and if we don’t come together as a nation to stop it now, it will be too late. 

Do we not have to stop these heinous acts for the future generations, so they too can live in America the land of the free?

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