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Who is the Supreme Court Chief Justice?

The Supreme Court Chief Justice, John G. Roberts Jr. Is An Elitist Puppet Groomed To Run Our Judicial System As They Command.

The current Supreme Court Chief Justice is one of the most well connected men who could ever have taken that pivotal role in our judicial system.

John G. Roberts Jr. has innumerable ties to the elitist Council on Foreign Relations, the Trilateral Commission and the Skull and Bones Society. 

George Bush and Dick Cheney, both CFR members, installed this man in power. 

Now at the very top of our justice system we have an elitist who is controlling all judicial proceedings for the good of the new world order. 

As well as being good friends with known federalists, Roberts is as much for a one world government as Cheney was. 

Roberts has had a predictable career, formed no doubt through his connections and loyalty to the elite. 

Unlike other potential nominees for the job, Roberts had a short career without much controversy to bolster his popularity. 

So how did such a man become the U.S. Chief Justice?

Like President George Bush was groomed for Presidency and guaranteed the position by his wealthy, influential financiers, so too was Roberts. 

Elitist Power

George Bush fancied Roberts as a candidate because they shared a common ideological viewpoint.

Both are “religious” and have made it publicly known that Christian Western religion should take top priority before the other little religions. 

Roberts even campaigned to have bits of religion put in historical context in the school system.

The Chief Justice has previously worked for men who frequent Bohemian Grove, a place that is well known for its secret elitist gatherings. 

To bring things into even more of a sharp perspective, Roberts’ law firm continually serves the banking system, most notably the Rockefellers and the Rothschilds.

Higher friends than that are quite impossible, they are the pinnacle of elitist society and have a hand in every major Illuminist organization that has sprung up in the last century. 

The Elitists Issues Roberts Will Rule on

Beliefs, Motives, Purpose

It is clear that Roberts has faithfully served the wealthy banking and corporate elite since the beginning of his career.

He has been placed in power so affect change and implement his beliefs in the dominant rich and the subjugate poor. 

The man who runs our Supreme Court system, the same system that is supposed to protect the people from the really bad cases of crime and mistreatment, has no respect for freedom of the people.

He believes in a firm system of control. 

Money controls our government, and all the branches have been put under the control of the men who have it.

These wealthy men are slowly relieving us of our civil liberties by putting men like Roberts in strategic positions of power. 

Law in America is no longer enforced, there is no justice to be had or sought from our court system anymore. 

The Illuminist threat that placed Supreme Court Chief Justice Roberts in power will use him to their own ends, to pervert our judiciary and create a Supreme Court, not based on justice, but based on monetary value and subversive control.

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