Who Made the Best Reality TV Show?
The Best Reality TV Show is One That Distracts You. America Needs to Snap Out of the Trance Created by Corporate Media Wizards Serving Control Agendas of the NWO.
Trying to define the best reality TV show is like trying to define the “best politician.”
The best politician, at least until such time as that person makes a career-limiting mistake, is the one that gets the most votes for election from the public.
Likewise, the best reality TV show is the one that gets the highest audience ratings. The inherent quality of the show is not what the public judges.
At best, a highly subjective criterion, quality in terms of being a contribution to art for example, is a matter for endless debate in any case.
What the public judges is the extent to which such shows represent models to which they can relate, and aspire.
As many of the shows also have cash prizes attached for the winners, and cash is a lure for the vast majority of viewers, the best shows are those where the public feels it can best project itself into the position of the contestants, and preferably those contestants that win.
The public will accept a certain amount of contradiction or cognitive dissonance in the profile of the contestants.
Real Live Contestants but They Still Have Their Lines
If a contestant displays enough personal characteristics that the public likes, then other characteristics seemingly at odds with the others will either be ignored or accepted in a subconscious effort to harmonize the different aspects of the contestants.
Contestants often receive off-screen coaching about what to do and say, in order to make it the best reality TV show.
It becomes possible therefore to orientate the viewing public’s opinion about a number of matters by having contestants express viewpoints or make statements in conjunction with the other things that they do.
Thus, a contestant favored by the public because of his or her background, situation or profile can be coached to put positive emphasis on certain values or certain actions being carried out in the country.
American Idol is a Strong Contender for the Title
Depending on who the coach is or for whom the coach works, messages can be transmitted by different organizations including business, government agencies and action groups.
Examining some of the most popular reality TV shows gives an indication of how this communication channel might be used as a form of subliminal advertising or propaganda.
American Idol is a show that catches the public when it is young, and that is often considered the best reality TV show.
Contestants with highly variable levels of talent and presenters who bust on contestants or look like they have had one drink too many are all part of the set.
The public identifies with the struggling singers and is given a role model in the form of presenters who are overly critical or who appear to suggest that being drunk is a desirable state to be in.
Real World and Real Ratings
The Real World takes a different tack. This reality show submerges viewers in a morass of tangled lives that suggest that elements like illness and alcoholism are all part of normal life.
The suggestion is also that anyone trying to think positive or at least think for themselves is not a normal member of society. The public watches these shows and adapts to the model and the message that is being projected.
While its collective brain is occupied in watching and listening to this, it is unaware of the development of many more serious issues.
However, as the opium of the people, the best reality TV show for others is the one that drugs the public the most effectively.