Who Runs the Central Banking System?
The Central Banking System is Run by Private Bankers and Not the Government. These Corrupt Individuals Are Stealing From America for Their New World Order Agenda.
Just what is the central banking system and why should all Americans question the power it holds over the country’s finances and economy?
In the United States, this banking system is known as the “Federal Reserve Banking System.”
The “Federal Reserve Bank” is formed with the intent of managing the country’s monetary policies.
The most important thing to understand about the Federal Reserve Bank is that, though the name implies it, it’s not a government run agency, but rather it’s a corporation that is under the control of private bankers.
What this means to you is that the central banking system is operated not for your benefit, but it is managed for the financial gain of these private bankers.
The very fact that the Federal Reserve Bank exists goes against what the Founding Fathers of the U.S. stated in Article 1 of the Constitution.
Article 1, states:
“To coin money, regulate the value thereof … .”
– U.S. Constitution, Article 1, Section 8, Powers of Congress
The Constitution was written with the wisdom of keeping the creation and control of money in the hands of the government and not in the hands of private bankers who were sure to charge large sums of interest.
So just how did the Federal Reserve Bank take financial power away from the federal government?
The unfortunate answer lies in the passing of the Federal Reserve Act, which officially gave private bankers authority over finances in the United States.
Federal Reserve Act Creates Chaos
On December 23, 1913 the Federal Reserve Act was passed, opening the way for central banking system corruption and fraud. This new law removed from Congress the right to create money and manage U.S. finances.
You may wonder what difference it makes whether money is “created” by Congress or by the Federal Reserve.
The difference is a huge one, one that has been affecting the state of finances and economics in the country since 1913.
Money created from the Federal Reserve Corporation should be thought of as “debt money” given that interest is being charged on every dollar that is created.
The Federal Reserve Bank initially started with 300 individuals or banks as its owners, each of them purchasing stock for $100 a share within the Reserve banking system.
Keep in mind that this was stock that was not publicly traded! Federal Reserve owners were wealthy beyond belief, making up an international banking cartel that couldn’t be controlled.
Since 1913, the Federal Reserve banking system has collected billions of dollars in interest. And every year this interest is counted and distributed to the shareholders.
Corrupt Shareholders of the Federal Reserve
Information about who actually owns the central banking system has been a well-kept secret for many years, but now the secret is out in the open.
These shareholders can be considered a private monopoly that are only interested in their own profits, as well as the profits of their foreign customers.
Following is a list of the major Federal Reserve Banking shareholders:
- Rothschild Bank of London.
- Rothschild Bank of Berlin.
- Warburg Bank of Hamburg.
- Lazard Brothers of Paris.
- Chase Manhattan Bank of New York.
- Lehman Brothers of New York
- Kuhn Loeb Bank of New York.
- Israel Moses Seif Banks of Italy.
- Warburg Bank of Amsterdam.
- Goldman, Sachs of New York.
How the Central Banking System Garners Profit
The Federal Reserve Act meant that now the Federal Government had to approach the Federal Reserve every time they needed more money to finance their projects.
The Federal Reserve was, and still is, more than willing to oblige. However, the lending of this money didn’t come without a high price, a price that kept the pockets of the Federal Reserve well lined.
Any money lent to the Federal Government needed to be paid back with interest. And this was the start of the massive national debt that the U.S. finds itself facing today.
Before the Federal Reserve Act was passed in 1910, the national debt was only $12.40 per person, for a total of one billion dollars.
Six years after the passing of the act, the national debt had increased to 24 billion dollars, $228.00 per person.
Those figures were mild in comparison to what the national debt amounted to in 2005 when it rose to an astounding figure of eight trillion dollars, $26,672 for every person living in the United States!
Even with inflation, this amount of national debt is unacceptable.
Criticism of the Federal Reserve
There have been many members of Congress who have been openly critical of the Federal Reserve and the central banking system.
A good example of this criticism that came from a Congress member in 1932, avidly accusing the Federal Reserve of being solely responsible for the Depression. On June 10, 1932, Congressman Louis T. McFadden included the following in a speech before the House of Representatives:
“We have in this country one of the most corrupt institutions the world has ever known. I refer to the Federal Reserve Board and the Federal Reserve Banks. Some people think the Federal Reserve Banks are U.S. Government institutions.
“They are not government institutions. They are private credit monopolies; domestic swindlers, rich and predatory money lenders which prey upon the people of the United States for the benefit of themselves and their foreign customers.
“The Federal Reserve Banks are the agents of the foreign central banks. The truth is the Federal Reserve Board has usurped the Government of the United States by the arrogant credit monopoly which operates the Federal Reserve Board.”
– Congressman Louis T. McFadden, Chairman of the House Banking & Currency Committee
Few Americans know that during the Depression, bankers demanded payments on money they had lent out. At the same time, they refused to approve any new loans.
This ensured that money was taken out of circulation of U.S. finances with no money replacing this deficit. This is the result of a corrupt central banking system.
What Can You do to Stop the Federal Reserve?
The most important thing that Americans can do to stop the Federal Reserve is to educate themselves about what is really going on between the U.S. Government and the Federal Reserve.
It’s time for citizens to open their eyes and become aware of this blatant fraud and corruption, then join a DTSS freedom programs to restore their own freedom.