Who Truly Owns the Federal Reserve?
Who Truly Owns the Federal Reserve is Not Who we Assume it to be Because It’s Owned by a Criminal Banking Cabal With the Support of the US Government.
It tends to be very hard to get a straight answer to the question of who truly owns the Federal Reserve.
While it may be hard to get hold of a specific name, understand the Rothschilds, Rockefellers and other elite families are behind the Fed.
This is just one of many reasons why the Federal Reserve system causes so much havoc in America and around the world.
Were it not for a centralized banking system, elites would have a very hard time using interest rates and other tools to control the public.
For example, when interest rates go up, bankers collect more money and in turn gain ownership of the people.
At the same time, when the Feds drops interest rates, it gives elites in the oil, automobile and food industries an excuse to raise prices.
No matter who owns the Federal Reserve, it is used to drive prices higher.
As with pesticides, nuclear fuel and many other elite inventions, the central bank has a long history.
Few people are aware that the first Federal Bank was created in the 1800’s.
Oddly enough the bank went through a number of changes while Senator Ignatius Donnelly was running around searching for Atlantis.
There is no question that Atlantean and Tamil myths of Lemuria are a significant part of how utopian elites think.
With the guise of descendants of these once great civilizations, they feel they have a right to manipulate the common people.
Not only are the common people poor, they are considered somewhat akin to pests that should be exterminated in order to make way for a grand utopia.
For any sane person, it is unthinkable to simply wipe out a whole planet filled with vibrant living beings and habitats.
That is precisely what elites and the entity who truly owns the Federal Reserve Bank are all about.
When anyone asks who truly owns the Federal Reserve Bank, they must peel back the layers of lies in order to find the truth.
Regardless of their names, what they look like or where they live, elite bankers own the Federal Reserve lock stock and barrel.
Foreign Nations
Greedy elites simply can’t stop themselves from taking money wherever they find it.
As a result, they have begged, borrowed and stolen money from foreign nations and private investors.
Without a doubt, they will continue siphoning money from foreign countries and putting it in their own pockets for as long as they can. This is the way the greedy elites operate
Breaking Free
People that do not like the system will want to get free of it as quickly as possible. If you do not like the owners of the Fed, it is time to break away.
In order to achieve this goal, a person needs to find a way to gain full control of the necessities of life.
For example, rather than buying food, a person must be able to grow it for themselves.
Freedom will come from self sufficiency and a break from the financial system.