Why File Federal Taxes if They’re Only Going to Pay Off Government Debt?
Americans File Federal Taxes Every Year But the National Debt Continues to Grow.
Why file federal taxes if it’s only going to fund more wasteful government spending?
Year after year the American government has proven once again that they are adept at spending taxpayer’s money on wasteful projects.
Politicians like to talk about fiscal responsibility, particularly when in the middle of an election campaign.
Yet the abuse of spending seems to get worse each year, and when asked to provide some accountability for their spending, politicians are quick to point the finger at someone else.
Many of the projects that get funded are ridiculous and make no sense.
This should make people wonder and question just who is benefiting from many of these funded projects.
For instance in 2008 Patrick Leahy, a Senate appropriator, managed to get the federal government to pay $97,314 dollars for maple research, leaving many who read of this project baffled as to why government spending is going towards this type of research.
There are over 1,188 projects from 2008 alone that are questionable and without sense, totally approximately $2.8 billion dollars of wasteful government spending.
No wonder American citizens are questioning why they file federal taxes if the government is just going to turn around and prove time and time again that they are unable to spend sensibly.
Obama’s Stimulus Plan Could Lead to Abuse Spending
There are many economists and financial experts in the United States who feel that Obama’s stimulus plan could do more harm than good.
Some feel that billions of dollars will be wasted as the government tries to spend money much faster than the financial system in this country is able to manage.
Americans are watching and hoping that the money Obama provides is going to be spent wisely and not wastefully as other stimulus plans have been spent in the past.
As Americans get ready once again to file federal taxes, it’s more important than ever that the Obama administration provide people with reasons to trust him.
In the past, billions of dollars have been spent on projects that were never completed or that cost more than the government thought they would.
Obama needs to be absolutely certain that all of the money in the stimulus plan is allocated only for necessary projects that are going to put money back into the economy.
Get Federal Spending Under Control
To give the United States government some leeway, reducing federal spending isn’t an easy thing.
Particularly so when one government administration is replacing another, taking on the mistakes and wasteful spending that was practiced previously.
This is the case for Obama, who walked in on the financial and economic mess the Bush administration created.
But if American citizens have to continue to file federal taxes, then the Obama government needs to work towards moving away from wasteful and abuse spending.
Once of the things the government needs to learn to do is to freeze discretionary spending.
When times are tough American households have no other choice than to set priorities and then balance each of these priorities that need a spending increase with a spending cut on low priorities.
Do some government agencies, such as the Defense Department, really need a spending increase each and every year?
Resistance to Reducing Waste
Why, with so much information available to them such as the Grace Commission report on government waste and Vice President Al Gore’s reports on national performance, does the United States government still find it so hard to tighten their budget by stopping wasteful spending?
Perhaps one reason is that many of the most wasteful projects are also the most popular, such as Medicare.
So rather than dig in and get rid of programs that are wasting money the government chooses to balance budgets, costing taxpayers more money every year and making them wonder what happens to their tax payments every time they file federal taxes.
It was estimated in 2005, that if the government had taken the time to stop abusive and wasteful spending, they could have saved over $100 billion dollars without ever reducing spending for legitimate projects and government programs.
Government and lawmakers have the responsibility of providing this country with efficient and accountable spending.
This isn’t too much for people to expect from the government officials they’ve elected into power.
The only the national budget is ever going to be under control is if we hold the government accountable for every dollar they spend, and cancel the fraudulent Federal Reserve System, and debt based money system.
Until then, you can get out of debt by joining a DTSS Debt Discharge Program today.