Why no JFK Assassination Video from a News Agency?
The JFK Assassination Video Coverage Shows a Route Neglected by News Agents.
The JFK assassination video shown over and over again to millions of school children and broadcast on the news is thought by many to be official footage of the event.
However, this is not true.
There is no official film footage of the shooting–major news outlets didn’t consider that portion of the route to be worth recording.
While much of the rest of the route was recorded for stock footage, the omission of any official cinematographers in the open space of Dealey Plaza seems odd in hindsight.
Naturally conspiracy theorists go nuts with it.
Yet where did the footage that was shown actually come from?
There were, after all, more that 75 amateur photographers and video-o-graphers that had turned out to see the President that day.
The iconic JFK assassination video was the work of a dressmaker, Abraham Zapruder, who captured 26 seconds of film that just happened to include the car approaching, the shot, and the car speeding away.
Most of the other JFK assassination video taken that day did not have a clear angle of view to the motorcade at the fateful moment, although it has been used to reconstruct the scene and determine that there were many who never turned in their photographs and video.
In particular, there is ample footage of a babushka-clad woman shooting video at the scene, but her footage has never surfaced… whether she failed to catch anything or her footage was destroyed by the assassins later is anyone’s guess.
Zapruder’s Images
Reaction to Amateur Tapes and Photos
The reaction to amateur video from that day has been mixed over the years.
Oddly enough, despite the remarkable public impression the event made on the American people at the time, footage is still turning up.
Most recently, silent color footage from Dewey Plaza was released.
The new footage showing up after such a long time has many hoping for a perfect tell-all video.
The public capturing of the moment made it seem more real to many Americans, although collecting the images presented a chain of control nightmare for investigators who had to prove that each image was truly authentic.
For many years theories even circulated that the JFK assassination video by Zapruder had been altered, but this was disproved by the Kodak Corporation who examined the film.
Controlling a Public Spectacle
For all the control and authority the police tried to project in the days after the incident, the JFK assassination video footage shot at the time showed pandemonium following the shooting.
Someone with a cool head could have easily moved through the stunned and confused crowd.
Eye witness reported shots from all over, and video could not prove or disprove the varying accounts.
So what really happened? Even with the visually stunning footage taken of the event by Zapruder, all Americans have are the events, not the causes.
Watching it in slow motion doesn’t make it comprehensible. Thus, theories abound even as film sequences are few and far between.