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Why will American Pharmaceutical be the Death of US? Learn of Covert American Pharmaceutical Plans for Hooking the American Public

Learn of Covert American Pharmaceutical Plans for Hooking the American Public.

Current American pharmaceutical stress is placed on selling the American public on the fact they are sick.

In advertising, the way to succeed is to sell the problem rather than the solution. Drug companies are selling you on just that, your problem of “disease.”

The human body is a complex organism. There are things that go wrong with it from time to time.

The spirit is a complex entity. Sometimes you feel up, sometimes down. Sometimes you can’t sleep.

Drug companies take these situations and make you feel that 1) many suffer from this same thing, and 2) a pill is the answer to never have trouble with it again.

And you can provide the list of drugs you’d like to resolve your problems.

Just about all drug consumption in the US comes from the advertising we are inundated with.

The US pharmaceutical industry has a vested interest in keeping you or MAKING you ill.

They don’t care if you aren’t cured, because if you are, they won’t be keeping you as a customer for years down the road.

There’s no financial incentive to get and keep you happy and healthy. Doctors see money in your ailments.

Drugs are a Multi-Billion Dollar Industry

You won’t see promotions on television, radio, or in the magazines that tell you if you’re depressed you should get out there and exercise. Doctors aren’t taught nutrition in school. Exercise and sunlight don’t bring any revenue to American pharmaceutical companies. It’s when we convince our doctors (easily) to fill our needs.

“Please,” we beg them. “Help me with my occasional _________!” In the space you can put erectile dysfunction, stress, depression, or… The list goes on and on. If you are shy, you have social anxiety disorder. If your legs have some twitches, you have restless leg syndrome. Or make some name up.

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