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Will a Journalism Scholarship Make You a NWO Puppet?

A Journalism Scholarship is Effective in Finding NWO Propagandists Young, and Grooming them to Produce Particular News. 

A journalism scholarship in America means that the wealthy elites have spotted you as an asset to their propaganda machine. 

In university journalists are programmed to take on a particularly mainstream point of view, to pander to the needs of their readership and to be ambitious. 

This results in a workforce of journalists who would sooner write about celebrities than news, and would do whatever it takes to get to the top- this in most cases means obeying ‘house style’. 

House style is a set of rules and viewpoints, even political alignments that the company supports. 

The journalist who works for this paper will not be allowed to publish anything that goes against the house style. 

This hierarchical structure leads to media control and corruption as the owners of the business who make the rules control what news is released. 

Through a system of strict censorship, propaganda, idea spinning and psychology the media industry in fully controlled by the people at the top. 

This is why America has become so pliant; we accept our news as the truth and the television as the great answer to all of our worldly questions. 

Social Control

Its one thing buying up a country so that the government can be controlled, it is quite another to balance public opinion in your favor.

A country does not consist of the things inside it, but the people who make up its workforce. 

This is why the banking elite have taken possession of the mass media.

For many Americans their only link to the world, to current events, to new and exciting things, comes from the media they indulge in.

Whether watching a travel show on television, reading a newspaper or paging through a glossy magazine.

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