World Government New World Order, One Global Nation?
World Government New World Order Concept Has Been Around For Many Years And is Just Now Coming Out Into The Open.
The world government new world order is an agenda for the creation of one world government.
Even the Financial Times has done a feature on global governance, which is another way of describing a central global government for all nations.
For many years some people have been laughed at for believing that an elite few were planning on doing away with American sovereignty.
But now the truth is out in the open for all to see and the concept of one world government is being readily discussed in every country.
In the past the agenda for the creation of one government has been kept hidden so people wouldn’t become frightened or start questioning too much.
Now the idea of one government is much more believable and it may happen much sooner than anyone expects.
Within President Barack Obama’s circle of advisors can be found Strobe Talbott, who said in 1992 that “In the next century, nations as we know it will be obsolete; all states will recognize a single, global authority; national sovereignty wasn’t such a great idea after all”.
It is believed that a world government new world order will take more than cooperation between countries.
One world government would be very much like one organization, much like a separate state, backed and governed by its own set of laws.
Advocates of World Government New World Order
Advocates eagerly provide reasons why they believe a world government new world order is the perfect plan.
Many believe government is the solution to all problems and that one world government would solve problems everywhere.
Some of these problems include poverty, inequality, and environmental break down.
Other advocates believe one government would be the perfect union of humankind and God.
But how do supporters of one government see this plan taking shape?
Advocates agree there would have to be several layers to the organization of one governing group.
Economics would have to play a huge role, however free trade agreements around the world are already an indication of the arguments that would take place between nations.
If we can’t agree now on what is fair in free trade for which country, how will one world government cure our economic conditions?
And what about religion? Perhaps a new religion will be introduced to the world in order to accommodate the current religions people are practicing.
A clear picture emerges indicating one world government will have to be about more than politics and the laws that bind.
Utopian Thinking
One world government is infeasible from many standpoints, but particularly because it would evoke utopian thinking.
Utopian ideas are completely impractical for any government because they go against human nature.
Even if one world government was to solve global issues, such as poverty, critics argue that a single government will never be able to function without egos getting in the way.
By design, human beings can be selfish and corrupt. Just look at some of the current world leaders that hold power today.
Most world leaders would have a hard time giving up their country’s sovereignty, with jealousy getting in the way.
The road to establishing a world government new world order is much too far fetched. The iniquities would far outweigh the benefits.
Elite Ruling the World?
Why is it that a few elite in the world feel they have the ability to form a world government without the input of world citizens?
Critics feel that those political figures who support one world government believe they have the right to rule the world.
They seem to think that because they have unlimited sources of money they are more capable of designing a new government structure for the world.
It’s this type of thinking that led to the Nazi regime under Hitler.
Hitler convinced the Nazis they were better than anyone else and only they had the abilities needed to rule the world.
History has proved there is danger when only a few people believe themselves to be in a position of authority.
How much say would world citizens have in a world government? Would they have any say at all? And what about elections?
Would we even need to run elections to elect someone else into power if the “elite” of the world are already involved?
These are questions that need to be answered before people around the world embrace any idea of one world government.