You Need to Improve Credit Scores if You are Going to Have Any Spending Power
Improve Credit Scores if You Are Going to Get a Job.
The credit scoring system is a scam, and people all over the world are in a situation where if they don’t improve credit scores they will not have any spending power, won’t be able to get a job and won’t even be able to find a place to live.
To most people the answer might seem simple, as people think they just need to work on getting their scores up so they can have their lives back, but it is not nearly that simple, as the elite have created system where it is nearly impossible to bring your score up once it is down.
The reason the elite have done this is they know they can keep complete and total control over you as long as you do not have good credit, as they have created an economy that is completely based on credit and those without good credit basically cannot take part in life.
At one time, the United States was not based on a credit system, which means there was not a need to improve credit scores as there was not any real type of credit system in place.
Then the bankers took over and they realized they were missing out on a great opportunity and thus they bought up the debt of the American Revolution and charged interest on it, creating a system of credit and financial dependence.
People were suddenly dependent on the big banks, and that is when the problems started, as the credit scoring system was unfair to most people and definitely favored the elite and their agenda.
As soon as people were dependent on the banks, the elite were able to do anything they wanted, and that was very apparent as central banks took over and people no longer had any power of their own.
Now, a credit score means everything, and if people do not work to improve credit scores, they will be shut off from society.
What kind of a world is it when credit is all that matters and things such as how hard a person works do not matter?
If you lose your job your credit score will likely reflect it, and yet the bureau will not take your job loss into consideration.
The elite have set up the system to hurt you and they are using it to have total and complete control over every aspect of your life, and this must be stopped.
Bad Credit and the Economy
Can You Improve Credit Scores?
The elite want you to think you can just start paying the bills on time and your score will go up.
If it were that easy, people would have much better scores. The truth is, it is not that easy, which is why so many people have bad scores.
The scoring system is so complex that it is almost impossible to bring your score up. That is why the elite have so much power.
Mission of the Elite
The elite are on a mission and that mission is to destroy you. They will do everything they can to make sure that mission is accomplished.
They want you to be poor, without a job and homeless. That is when they will feel as if they won.