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Program Timelines

Debt to Success System - DTSS Program Timelines

Debt to Success System - DTSS
Powerful Program Timelines

Step by Step Membership Program Timelines

What Are the Different Membership Program Timelines?

Discover the Debt to Success System Complete Freedom, Debt Discharge, Complete Freedom and Debt Discharge Membership Program timelines. Debt Discharge steps are dependant on the type of debt being discharged and usually take two (2) to four (4) months from completing the first fifteen (15) Complete Freedom and Debt Discharge foundational steps below.

DTSS Complete Freedom+
Freedom & Success Education

DTSS Debt Discharge+
Freedom & Success Education

DTSS Complete Freedom
& Debt Discharge+
Freedom & Success Education
Step 01) CF DD - Member Enrollment
Week 00-01
Week 00-01
Week 00-01
Step 02) CF DD - Program Onboarding
Week 02-04
Week 02-04
Week 02-04
Step 03) CF DD - Express Trust Parties
Week 05-07
Week 05-07
Week 05-07
Step 04) CF DD - Cert. of Live Birth No.
Week 08-10
Week 08-10
Week 08-10
Step 05) CF DD - Cert. of Live Birth Auth.
Week 11-13
Week 11-13
Week 11-13
Step 06) CF DD - Express Trust Supplies
Week 14-16
Week 14-16
Week 14-16
Step 07) CF DD - Express Trust Finalization
Week 17-19
Week 17-19
Week 17-19
Step 08) CF DD - 2nd Trustee Acceptance
Week 20-22
Week 20-22
Week 20-22
Step 09) CF DD - Tax ID & Bank Account
Week 23-25
Week 23-25
Week 23-25
Step 10) CF DD - IRS Fiduciary Foreign Trust
Week 26-28
Week 26-28
Week 26-28
Step 11) CF DD - D.B.A & Address Change
Week 29-31
Week 29-31
Week 29-31
Step 12) CF DD - 1st UCC-1 Financing Statement
Week 32-34
Week 32-34
Week 32-34
Step 13) CF DD - Prop., Tax, Bank & Credit
Week 35-37
Week 35-37
Week 35-37
Step 14) CF DD - Contract Trust Account
Week 38-40
Week 38-40
Week 38-40
Step 15) CF DD - Non-U.S. Citizen Passport
Week 41-43
Week 41-43
Week 41-43
Step 16) CF - Social Security Revocation-1
Week 44-46
Week 44-46
Step 17) CF - Social Security Revocation-2
Week 47-49
Week 47-49
Step 18) CF - Voter Registration Revocation
Week 50-52
Week 50-52
Step 19) CF - Driver License Revocation
Week 53-55
Week 53-55
Step 20) CF - Passport FOIA Request
Week 56-58
Week 56-58
Step 21) CF - Notification of Records
Week 59-61
Week 59-61
Step 22) CF - 2nd UCC-1 Financing Statement
Week 62-64
Week 62-64
Step 23) CF - Legal Notice & Demand
Week 65-67
Week 65-67
Step 24) CF - Legal Notice & Demand Apostille
Week 68-70
Week 68-70
Step 25) CF - 1st UCC-3 Amendment
Week 71-73
Week 71-73
Step 26) CF - Freedom Declarations-1
Week 74-76
Week 74-76
Step 27) CF - Freedom Declarations-2
Week 77-79
Week 77-79
Step 28) CF - IRS Revocation of Election
Week 80-82
Week 80-82
Restore Your Freedom & Discharge Your Debt!

Still Have Questions? Inquire Below:

Complete Freedom

In DTSS's Complete Freedom. Membership Programs: your freedom is restored, you are no longer subject to ANY of the tens of millions of U.S. Government victimless crime laws, income taxes, judgments, licenses, permits, incarceration, etc. You regain total ownership of your body and can do whatever you please. Plus so much more!

All Via a State-of-the-Art User Interface, Customized, Automated Document Creation, Automated Email Notifications & Step by Step Instructions.

Debt Discharge

In DTSS's Debt Discharge Membership Programs: you're out of credit card, tax, court, and student loan debts (vehicle loan and secured loan debts if you qualify) quickly, easily, and successfully once and for all, giving you a lower monthly payment, a better debt-to-income ratio, and a new credit profile for the estate.
Plus so much more!

All Via a State-of-the-Art User Interface, Customized, Automated Document Creation, Automated Email Notifications & Step by Step Instructions.

Complete Freedom
& Debt Discharge

In DTSS's Complete Freedom, Debt Discharge Membership Programs: you'll receive all of the potent benefits of both programs, freedom from the tens of millions of U.S. Government victimless crime laws, and your debts are discharged with a lower monthly payment, ending with a better debt-to-income ratio.
Plus so much more!

All Via a State-of-the-Art User Interface, Customized, Automated Document Creation, Automated Email Notifications & Step by Step Instructions.

NOW w/ Extremely Robust, Powerful & Instant
24/7/365 Member Care Via Artifical Intelligence,
Help Center, Email, Live Chat & SMS Channels

Freedom Education

The Freedom Education portion of your program consists of several modules made up of an expanding amount of content hand selected by truly free advisers. These modules include some of the content learned before, during and after they became totally free from government.

Success Education

The Success Education portion of your program consists of 18 modules made up of over 180 hours of videos hand selected by truly successful advisers. These modules include some of the audio-books read before, during and after they became very wealthy, happy and healthy.

Freedom Extras

In the DTSS Membership Programs you'll gain access to other highly beneficial extras such as Second and Successor Trustees, Irrevocable Common Law Federal Pure Trust Contract Organizations, Victimless Crime Incarceration Release, Vehicle De-Registration & Lawful Traveler Plates.

Time is of the essence! Enroll today.

Your freedoms are being wiped away by the minute. Either restore your freedom now or live a life of serfdom, and allow your offspring to suffer the most egregious model of bondage the world has ever seen. No more time to think about it.

Your Membership supports our cause for a Free World Order enabling the manifestation of our own debt free, freely distributed, crypto currency economy, along with Restoring America's Freedom. Enroll NOW! You'll feel wonderful that you did.